Hello aunties..

Hello and a warm welcome to AuntyAdventures.com, where I document my journey as a curious 40-something-year-old, child-free adult with a knack for embracing life’s vast adventures. By trade, I’m an engineer and love to make technology work for people, which inspired me to create this website myself. Despite what some might consider a late start, I believe it’s never too late to embark on this blogging journey. 

Here, I’ll be sharing a tapestry of experiences, ranging from the day-to-day to the extraordinary. Expect to dive into a world of discoveries related to travel, health, finance, and the quest for life’s fulfillment. 

AuntyAdventures.com is more than just a blog – it’s a portal to the simple joys, challenges, and lessons learned on the path to finding true fulfillment as an adult in their 40s. Join me as I explore the world, one experience at a time.